Personalized for Your Needs
The dimensions listed are the max printable area. The final cutout size may vary based on the width of the cutout subject.
Online Proof
Online Proof will show you the file you have upload and we will cut out the graphics for you.
Digital Proof
Once your cutout has been cropped and resized, a digital proof will be emailed for review and approval. One revision is included with your proof, if necessary. Please note: delays in approving proofs may result in delivery delays. If we don't hear from you after 48 hours, we'll go ahead and process your order.
Touch Up
If you have a photo that needs a little work, let our imaging team go to work. Common touch up examples include scar removal, acne reduction, and red eye removal. Please be specific in the notes box with what needs to be changed. Keep in mind delays in communication may alter delivery timelines. If we don't hear from you after 48 hours, we'll go ahead and process your order. Photo Guidelines The best way to ensure the highest quality custom creation is to start with the right image. The higher resolution the image or file is, the sharper the finished product will be.
If you are picking from existing photos, we suggest:
Pick a large file-sized photo. We generally recommend 1MB or larger file sizes.
For head cutouts, close-up photos are best.
Make sure the image is well-lit.
If you are taking a new photo, here are some tips:
Your smartphone will do. You don't need a fancy digital camera. Most modern smartphone cameras are powerful enough to take great, high-resolution images.
Fill the frame as much as possible. For heads, get as close to their face as you can without cutting off ears, hair, or hats that you'd like included. For standups, get as close as to the person as you can without cutting off hands, arms, feet, or legs.
Make sure there is good lighting. It is hard for cameras to pick up details in low-light situations. This becomes even more pronounced when enlarging images.
If helpful, here are the technical specifications we recommend:
Images that are 1MB or larger, or
Images that are 1800 x 1800 pixels in size or larger, or
Images with 75 PPI (Pixels per Inch) or more.